Bamboo Butterflies: Metaphorical Flutters

Metaphorical MicroStories and MicroPoetry by Raymond Bevilacqua Steinmetz©

April 22, 2024

Step into the enchanting world of “Bamboo Butterflies: Metaphorical Flutters,” where every microfiction story and micropoetry verse stands as a different tale that unfolds like a delicate dance, capturing the essence of the resilient whispers of bamboo and the ephemeral grace of butterflies, floating from one bamboo reed to the next.

Imagine each metaphorical narrative as a singular fluttering moment, delicate yet purposeful, akin to butterflies traversing a landscape of resilient bamboo. While each of these microliterary pieces has their own unique essence and narrative, they are all seamlessly interconnected by the collective shimmer of these figurative creatures’ wings, creating a thematic cohesion.

Navigate through a kaleidoscope of emotions and experiences. These metaphorical morsels invite readers to savor the beauty of individual moments, each a distinctive flight in the larger overall narrative of microliterary work. “Bamboo Butterflies: Metaphorical Morsels” unfolds as a collection where metaphor weaves its way through disjointed narratives, uniting them in a composition of interconnected tales.

Life is a highway,
a road of endless adventure,
Where every twist and turn
reveals a new conjecture.
Life is a highway,
paved with choices to make,
Each crossroad a decision,
each turn a chance to take.

Life, akin to a bowl of cereal,
unfolds with each dawn
as a fresh spoonful of experiences.
Sweet bites, dripping with joy,
mingle with crunchy challenges.
The milk of time gently tempers the edges,
where every flavor contributes
to the richness of one’s narrative.

Fear is like a bull coming at you full steam,
its hooves pounding the ground like thunder,
and you, a matador in life’s arena,
must twirl the cape of courage with grace,
sidestepping the charge,
a choreography that transforms fear
into a symphony of triumphant survival.

A door is like a book
where the creaks and groans
are reminiscent of the rustle
of turning pages –
each sound a chapter
in the narrative of a space,
flipping softly like a
well-thumbed novel –
a door that opens the
pages to the lively scenes
of household happenings.

Mist is like a sorcerer’s spell,
casting a hazy enchantment
over the ordinary,
transforming it into the extraordinary.
As it weaves through the landscape,
it conjures a mystical realm where
reality and illusion dance
in ephemeral harmony.

Six regal trees crown the ridge –
winter’s catwalk elite.
Draped in a delicate cloak of snow,
they pose as statuesque models,
limbs stretched toward the sky.
The sun, a warm spotlight,
caresses their branches,
weaving shadows that
waltz in the hushed, icy breeze.

    Life’s a steam train,
    chuggin’ snowy peaks,
    Clickety-clack echoes
    making rhythmic streaks.
    Whistles blow life’s tales
    disappearing in the air,
    Tracks mark life’s journey,
    winding us everywhere.
    Steam puffs ignite dreams,
    but dark tunnels reveal,
    life isn’t what it always seems.

    If I were a lighthouse,
    I would boast my art,
    Guiding far beyond,
    setting the finest apart.
    With beams of precision
    that illuminate so rare,
    I’d be the beacon
    that outshines in the air.
    Storms may rage,
    and fogs may confound,
    Yet my light, a legend,
    in brilliance would abound.

    Blackened by madness,
    a ghostly pianist played
    a melancholic tune in
    the dilapidated theater.
    No audience remained,
    yet the haunting melody
    echoed through the
    decaying halls,
    a requiem for
    forgotten performers.

    Sadness, a tree in lament,
    its branches bent beneath
    the weight of heart’s sorrow.
    Once vibrant leaves,
    now in woeful despair.
    Roots entwined in sorrow
    anchor in desolation.
    Hope’s winds prove feeble
    against the skeletal frame;
    barren boughs cast
    shadows of grief.

    Under the weather,
    the author battled
    a relentless cold.
    Yet, with fevered determination,
    he remained lost in
    the world of words,
    crafting miniature tales of
    passion and despair that
    mirrored his own struggle against
    the relentless forces of illness.

    On winter’s canvas,
    tractor tracks scribe
    nature’s calligraphy –
    a delicate script of resilience
    on the frosty earth.
    Each line testifies to
    the harmony between
    human effort and the
    stoic beauty of the cold,
    a tale etched across
    the frozen expanse.

    In a hamlet where
    time moves slow,
    A weathered church stands
    in winter’s pristine snow.
    Nestled ‘neath ashen,
    far-reaching skies of gray,
    The aftermath of the snowfall
    is silent as people who pray.

    In the hush of a
    gray panorama,
    I stand tall—a lone tree
    embraced by the serene
    energy of the crisp season.
    A sleek, solid black fence
    accompanies me,
    navigating the chilled air,
    enduringly connected to
    the strength it bestows.

    Grave roots are
    inching their way
    down to my heart.

    Candle flame –
    past melts and
    present flickers.

    Shadows pirouette,
    a spectral allure beckoning.
    Each creak,
    a gateway to enigma,
    where the elusive
    ghost in the attic
    unveils the cryptic
    chapters of your
    untold story.

    In pride’s palace,
    the arrogant stand tall,
    oblivious to echoes of downfall.
    Like a shattered mirror,
    reflections reveal fragility
    masked by certainty.
    Arrogance blinds to
    humility’s cues;
    tragedy unfolds in isolation.
    World applauds the genuine,
    shunning vainglory.

    Her gaze,
    silver shards,
    revealed an iceberg
    beneath her smile.

    Cranberry kisses,
    winter memories
    sweetened by
    grandma’s love.

    In the forest’s hush,
    a man bows with grace,
    His kowtow whispers,
    a quiet embrace.
    For choices he molds,
    like the trees tall and free,
    In shadows, he finds,
    who he’s meant to be.
    Content of his character,
    a silent decree,
    Day by day, in the woods,
    his soul is set free.

    A rebel is a wildfire,
    igniting change with
    unbridled flames.

    Small is relative.
    In the vast cosmos,
    even giants are specks.
    Likewise, in life,
    modest deeds can
    wield cosmic impact.
    Embrace the might
    of the seemingly minute,
    for greatness often
    dwells in the modest
    spaces of our existence.

    In the shadows
    where silence grows,
    Promises smash,
    like shattered windows.
    Whispers of pain,
    where darkness shows,
    In the wreckage of a soul,
    a broken rose.

    In verily vineyards,
    ‘neath moon’s serene shine,
    Where delicate vines intertwine,
    grapes in clusters align,
    There flows a nectar,
    rich and red, divine,
    The ruby elixir,
    termed by mortals,
    sweet-aged “cherry wine”.

    Tech innovations,
    gears in play,
    Human warmth encoded,
    come what may.
    Elevating the virtual,
    a shimmering dream,
    In our shared context,
    a digital stream.
    Bits and bytes in
    a dance so grand,
    Pseudo-humans traverse
    this electronic land.

    In the grip of a cold,
    my ears reveal a
    disconcerting duet-
    a low, ominous buzzing
    like an emergency signal
    intertwining with high,
    icy-pitched sounds akin
    to children’s screams.
    Together, they echo
    through confined spaces,
    a discordant dance
    of discomfort.

    Moonbeams cradle
    over the mother’s breast,
    engorged with nourishment,
    as her porcelain teardrops
    fall gently on top of her
    newborn’s tiny fingers.

    In Danish markets,
    winter whispers tales,
    snow veils canopies,
    faces shrouded.
    Women in scarves,
    men don solemn hats.
    No laughter,
    just frozen whispers
    of Christmas in
    the serious hush,
    where snowflakes alight-
    a market in winter,
    a tranquil and
    contemplative night.

    Ebony curtains
    veil the somber
    theater of life’s
    tragic play.

    In the shadows,
    lost at sea,
    Voices echo,
    haunting me.
    Through the darkness,
    a subliminal plea,
    Oh, won’t you come
    and rescue me?
    Stars above,
    issue a decree,
    In this silence,
    set me free.
    Through the storm,
    let love be,
    Oh, won’t you come
    and rescue me?

    Liar, liar, trust expires,
    your tales ignite a wearisome fire,
    In the ruins of deceit,
    yearnings for truth to transpire,
    Promises crumble,
    like glass in the pyre,
    Tapestry of lies unravel,
    leaving naught but the mire.

    Puttin’ on the Ritz,
    it’s easy to see,
    Such style and grace,
    like it ought to be.
    Dressed to the nines,
    from head to toe,
    Puttin’ on the Ritz,
    let the good times flow.

    Eternal motion,
    a celestial ballet,
    Where visions twirl
    and doubts sway.
    In the cadence of courage,
    aspirations unfurl,
    Forward momentum,
    the compass of the world.

    Weather forecasts
    are reminiscent
    of relationships –
    often stormy,
    occasionally sunny.

    Candles roam
    through many
    hearts looking
    for love.

    Fragile be power,
    a double-edged
    sword that,
    can wound the
    wielder more deeply
    than any foe.

    Sink into a pillow so
    soft and comforting,
    it feels like resting on
    the downy feathers
    of not just one duck,
    but a thousand of them,
    cradling you in plush bliss.

    Time sighs
    a glimmer away
    from eternity.

    All steps that
    people take are
    frosted footprints.

    Blazing holly
    burns hearts
    with a
    festive roar.

    We are but fleeting moments,
    captured in the ink on
    paper of life’s grand novel,
    each chapter telling the story
    of our transient existence.

    Amidst the blooms,
    where bees make chase,
    Bitter honey drips
    from petals’ embrace.
    A taste of love,
    in nature’s sweetest strife,
    Bitterness turns to sweetness
    in this abundant nectarous life.

    The good ones escape.
    Patience and persistence
    are your strengths.
    Read the tides,
    respect the currents.
    In life’s storms, endure;
    calm follows.
    Cherish quiet moments;
    the soul finds depth there.
    It’s about stories in the waves,
    not just the catch.

    A solitary campfire
    on a desolate shore,
    mirrors the human struggle
    for meaning in the
    vast expanse of existence.
    Dancing flames illuminate
    a spectacle of self-reflection,
    casting shadows that reverberate
    in the abyss of the soul’s corners.
    Fire and sea confront life’s vagaries.

    Snow’s silent cloth
    drapes all in hushed repose,
    Within, life’s tale unfolds,
    a cozy prose.
    Wrapped, I ponder naught,
    a tranquil retreat,
    The world outside silenced,
    under a snowy sheet.

    Seek not in
    frigid warmth
    what’s found in
    genuine affection.

    Amidst winter’s hush,
    I roam the quiet plain,
    Footsteps echo,
    a solo refrain.
    Undulating hills
    in moon’s soft gleam,
    Stars weave tales,
    a cosmic dream.
    Serene solitude,
    a companion to the night,
    Stillness whispers,
    a communion of
    soul and night.

    In life’s furnace,
    adversities act as
    the blazing forge,
    molding our character
    like skilled blacksmiths.
    Embrace the searing heat,
    for in its transformative blaze,
    resilience is hammered,
    and the soul emerges,
    tempered and gleaming
    like refined steel.

    Delivered in a goldenrod beam,
    incantations deploy,
    weaving the mystic void,
    where dreams and
    reality entwine.
    Embrace the celestial spell –
    stars align, as silence speaks,
    and magic, boundless,
    awakens the unseen.

    Envision the mind as
    an endless ocean,
    thoughts as waves
    of intricate information.
    “Having” a thought is
    surfing these waves,
    navigating our existence.
    In this reflective surf,
    memories ripple
    like endless tides –
    a perpetual self-discovery
    shaping the shores of

    Tension unbridled,
    emotions run wild
    like a herd.
    Courage races,
    leaping over hurdles
    of uncertainty.
    In the emotional rodeo,
    resilience forms an
    unyielding alliance,
    conquering the untamed
    landscape of challenges.

    Standing in the
    enigmatic entrance,
    courage unspools,
    “It was not an easy
    door to open.”
    Philosophic alchemy in
    toxic shadows it fuels.
    Farewell’s hushed
    whispers resonate,
    a melodic strength
    within the tone’s embrace.
    Self-redemption’s art,
    a phoenix path’s place.

    Spring is here.
    I’m just kidding!
    Snowflakes falling,
    winds are fiddling.
    Nature’s prank,
    a chilly spree,
    Blossoms sleep in
    concealed mystery.
    Giggles looming
    in the frosty air,
    Winter’s joke,
    is beyond compare!

    Capture evanescent
    moments within
    time’s delicate grasp.

    Loneliness is a canyon,
    echoing with fierce illusions.

    In the symphony of existence,
    being true to oneself is
    the melody that resonates,
    creating harmonies of self-discovery.

    Meadows blush
    as rolling dawn unveils
    nature’s nudity.

    Oh, Atlanta, where peaches sweetly sing,
    Traffic jams make our tires do a spring.
    City of grits, with a side of drawl,
    In this southern mess, we laugh, y’all!

    Nostalgia’s twisted boundaries –
    memories blur in softened hues.

    Freedom soars,
    united clouds
    paint the
    sky’s doors.

    a vivid release,
    dissolves winter’s
    icy grip.

    Lion’s ignited bones
    bear scars from
    battles fought.

    Striking hours tick,
    melting glaciers
    mourn in sorrow.

    In ideas’ garden,
    mingling matters
    blossom diverse

    Volcanic eruptions
    evoking Earth to
    shape itself up.

    Poet’s flight –
    crippled wings
    narrate life’s
    poignant struggle.

    Dust-kissed wildflowers hide.

    an allusion
    pregnant with
    the weight of
    unspoken words.

    Whimsical frayed breath.

    Poet’s pen mourns
    the verses of
    paradise erased.

    to the

    Time crawled at an
    unbearable pace,
    like slimy,
    gooey molasses.

    falling like
    a melting
    touch endures.

    Ships are dreams afloat,
    Navigating life’s vast sea.
    Hulls carry hope’s weight,
    Sails catch breezes of destiny.
    Harbors are goals embraced,
    Journeys forge tales untold.
    In their wake, courage unfolds,
    Ships are the stories of souls.

    Every road winds through
    the terrain of purpose.
    No path truly leads to nowhere;
    each holds the footprints
    of stories and discoveries.
    Even the broadest trail,
    seemingly untouched,
    unveils its tales,
    refusing to dissolve
    into the void.

    Within mind’s river,
    fraying vices
    erode its banks.

    In solitude’s garage,
    fortitude revs like
    a resilient engine,
    fueling positive
    mental drive.
    This motor transforms
    into a guiding transmission,
    navigating life’s curves
    with confidence,
    and steering
    through self-discovery
    like a well-tuned vehicle.

    Feasting flurries blanket everything,
    ignorant of aesthetical rules.

    Rumors spread,
    gaining heat,
    like an

    Periwinkle psyche
    floats on
    ephemeral dreams.

    Old before I die,
    I hoard the bitter
    elixir of life’s regret,
    extracting wisdom
    from the haunted
    corridors of my existence.
    In the melancholy twilight,
    I navigate the elusive realms,
    etching my narrative
    upon the sepulcher of time.

    Striking lights
    offer hope’s flicker
    in the wasteland.

    Strive to derive
    pearls from pain.

    Glasses are windows to clarity.
    Undershirt, second skin.
    Shirt, emblem of refinement.
    Tie, sartorial signature.
    Jacket, armor of elegance.
    Underwear, silent guardian of intimacy.
    Pants, hugging companions.
    Belt, keeps pants in check.
    Socks, cozy allies.
    Shoes, trusty steeds.

    Billows of emotions
    are the tumultuous
    seas of the soul,
    where waves of
    sentiment crash.

    Hug your bug,
    hiding underneath
    the rug.

    Spin like
    you’ve never
    spun before.

    A seasoned jockey,
    a maestro on equine strings,
    conducts his horse like a virtuoso,
    in a flawless polished cadence.
    Swaying in tandem with his
    equine companion’s stride
    at a heart-pounding pace,
    the conductor orchestrates
    a four-beat precision,
    deserving of thunderous applause.

    Rain gush
    adorned flowerbeds,
    floral baptism.

    Slow to move,
    slogging through treacle.

    Motion cannot
    be silenced,
    only hushed.

    As iridescent as
    a siren’s call.

    Ideals dismiss,
    fade into
    elder’s dust.

    When the sun hits the sky,
    It’s a key that unlocks nature’s eye.
    The world awakens from its dreams,
    Like a river bursting at its seams.
    Day’s arrival, a silent, golden cry.

    Lacking luck,
    we sculpt diamonds
    from life’s pressure.

    Dancing through life,
    we jitterbug through
    time’s rhythms,
    each step a lively
    testament of resilience.
    Swinging through
    ups and downs,
    finding solace and
    strength on destiny’s
    vibrant dance parlor.

    bites back
    in time.

    Preying eyes of judgment
    bloodied mercy’s forgiving grace.

    Temper’s raging volcano
    spews unbridled fury.

    Nature is the color of smiles.

    Life’s splash
    echoes through
    eternity’s corridors.

    Grief’s deep
    swellings envelop,
    aching in
    silent solitude.

    Starlit canvas
    softly scribes
    legacy of
    waking moons.

    Trembling tears
    of disbelief
    at deceased son’s

    Sabotaging is
    nothing more than
    planting thorns
    in your own garden,
    and pricking
    yourself needlessly.

    Perilous cliffs
    challenge eagles
    to soar.

    Beneath the cerulean canopy,
    a ballet unfurls.
    Swallows glide in synchrony,
    heralding vernal’s rise.
    Their avian elegy,
    a prelude to renewal’s swirls.
    In azure arcs,
    they paint the skies
    with sapphire dyes.

    Arise ye,
    as fruit-bearing
    branches do.

    Inside the right side,
    outside beckons.

    Flaming tongues
    incite the fervent
    fires of revolution.


    In the kitchen’s heart,
    the brass-handled
    tub gleamed,
    a cauldron of
    culinary alchemy.
    Skilled hands deftly
    mixed exotic spices,
    evoking anticipation
    with each aromatic wisp,
    lingering long after
    the meal’s last bite.

    Fleeting feather fury.

    Her fingers were
    spilling silk over
    the newborn.

    Loneliness felt
    within jagged,
    isolated shard.

    She had a network of little birds
    who kept her informed about
    all the happenings in town.
    Their fluttering wings and
    subtle trills conveyed secrets
    veiled in the lace of society’s guise,
    lurking beneath the
    polished veneer of daily life.

    crushing minds
    amidst the library’s
    towering shelves.

    my veritable
    essence roams
    unseen, free.

    Bittersweet silence,
    an ocean of memories,
    where waves of sorrow
    kiss the shores of solitude.

    Drowning voices
    made the embarrassed
    politician’s escape possible.

    Wisdom’s counsel
    brought sweet
    diffusion in
    his words.

    Treasured parting point –
    where lessons linger,
    futures beckon.

    Ashes spark life.

    Crys hover
    with the aching
    reality of loss.

    Within virtual realms,
    unearthly visions
    redefine human

    Equal elements
    assure that music
    conducts humanity’s

    thrums with
    unseen energy.

    Time’s deafening hush
    muffles worldly clamor.

    Truth’s clarion call,
    gathering fire
    in seekers’ quest.

    Kitchen aromas,
    flavors combine,
    gathering fire
    of cuisine.

    A secret isn’t
    a buried gem.

    In the chiaroscuro
    of experience,
    perfect parity

    Like a gardener tending
    to soil and seed,
    In patient nurture,
    where abundant dreams feed.
    With sweat on brow
    and hands that toil,
    Nothing’s unattainable
    in lush, fertile soil.

    Amidst the cacophony of existence,
    In the labyrinth of fleeting moments,
    Misplaced, the echoes of our quintessence,
    In the symphony of cosmic fragments.

    Assorted smiles scatter,
    like autumn leaves in flight.

    A comedian’s
    a conductor
    laughter with
    intuitive sense.

    The young child’s innocence
    was a freshwater brook,
    untouched by the stains
    of worldly cynicism.

    Within the
    of thought,
    intellect’s roar
    navigates, charting
    a course through
    depths of wisdom.

    Pavement sizzles,
    floating heat waves
    shiver feverishly upward.

    Alabaster maiden,
    the snowdrop’s delicate
    form mirrors the purity
    of untouched realms
    beyond mortal reach.

    lantern is an
    oracle illuminating
    existential questions
    in darkness.

    Smoldering silence
    consumed my restless
    thoughts at night.

    Fading moonglade footprints.

    Shelf your ideas;
    hubris deceives like
    a fog obscuring
    distant peaks.
    Let humility be the
    clearing wind,
    revealing truths
    beyond ego’s shroud.

    suffer behind
    invisible bars.

    Sky mirrors mallards.

    Raymond Bevilacqua Steinmetz©


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